Jesteś tutaj:Pracenazlecenie.plOgłoszeniaKorepetycjeKorepetycjeOlsztynKorepetycje - j. polski dla cudzoziemców - Olsztyn

Korepetycje - j. polski dla cudzoziemców - Olsztyn

Dodano: wtorek, 02 grudnia 2014, 15:58 | Dodał:
Id ogłoszenia: 46467 | Zasięg: Olsztyn

Kategoria: Korepetycje Podkategoria: Korepetycje

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Budżet:
  • Data startu:
  • Rodzaj umowy: Zlecę
  • Ogłoszenie od:
  • Data końca:
  • Rodzaj pracy:

Opis ogłoszenia

Hi, I'm an English and Polish teacher (diplomas and certificates available if needed) with a very big experience. If you are looking for an experienced, creative and patient teacher who will teach you not only the language but also will show you Polish culture – you found a right person! I worked abroad with foreigners and taught them Polish- now they are able to speak Polish fluently. I own the books and all materials to help you practise and study the language. Moreover, I offer having the classes not in a traditional school but in a very nice atmosphere of a coffee shop, if olny you wish; all to create the natural and relaxing environment for studying the language (the coffee shop is closed for the guests from outside during the lesson ! then it becomes the laguage center, with a board, projector, books, etc.). YOU WILL ENJOY MY LESSONS AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN POLISH !!! :)

Skontaktuj się

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